Georgia Senate Democratic Caucus Chair Elena Parent Applauds Redistricting Decision

ATLANTA (Oct. 26, 2023) | Today, Chair of the Senate Democratic Caucus, Sen. Elena Parent (D–Atlanta), released the following statement regarding U.S. District Judge Steve Jones’ decision on Georgia’s congressional, state Senate and state House district maps. 

“I applaud Judge Steve Jones’ decision to require Georgia legislators go back to the drawing board to redraw districts so that black voter’s voices can be heard all over Georgia. I and many others warned the Republican-controlled majority that their maps were illegal and in violation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.  Additionally, the Princeton Gerrymandering Project, a non-partisan analytical team, gave Georgia’s Republican created maps for state Senate districts an F.

Our court system could not be more important at a time like this. While I am grateful for the lifeline the court system has thrown at us and that the state legislature has the opportunity to rectify this injustice, we should not have to rely on a court or a judge to enforce what is right. 

As a state Senator, I have been championing and sponsoring legislation for 10 years to create an independent redistricting commission so that neither party could create districts in its best interest above the interests of Georgia voters. We must strengthen our democratic institutions to guarantee a government by the people for the people.” 

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Sen. Elena Parent serves as Chair for the Senate Democratic Caucus. She represents the 42nd Senate District which includes portions of DeKalb County. She may be reached at her office at 404.456.5109 or by email at