Senator Sonya Halpern Presents Resolution to Recognize March as Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

ATLANTA (March 20, 2022) | On Thursday, Sen. Sonya Halpern (D – Atlanta), in conjunction with healthcare experts and advocates, presented a resolution to recognize March as Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. In Georgia colorectal cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer among men and women. It is also the second leading cause of cancer death in both men and women in the state of Georgia.

“This is a cancer that can hit any of us, whether you have a family history or not,” said Sen. Halpern. “As a personal story, my friend passed away after his 39th birthday 15 months after being diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer, thinking that his weight loss was due to the stress of opening a new business. It is so important to encourage everyone we know to consult their healthcare provider and get screened regularly. The death rate from colorectal cancer has been going down since the 1950s, and the recommended age for screening has recently been changed from age 50 to 45. We need to do more work in the General Assembly with our doctors to see how we might be able to create legislation that expands access to screening and prevention. Additionally, we must take aim at the disparities in our healthcare system and ensure that all people know their options and can take advantage of them. If there’s one thing we can do at the Capitol, it is to expand Medicaid and offer high quality care to low income Georgians. People who have access to affordable, preventative care who can be screened for cancer early have a much higher chance of survival.”

In attendance was Dr. Kevin Woods, president of the Atlanta Medical Association, along with representatives from the Georgia Gastroenterologic and Endoscopic Society, Emory, Roundtable on Cancer and other field experts. They thanked Sen. Halpern’s office on behalf of physicians and patient providers for their attention on raising awareness of this issue.


For Immediate Release:

March 20, 2022

Sophie Stepakoff, Communications Associate
