Mullis: This Week in the Senate

By Senator Jeff Mullis

Senator MullisATLANTA- (February 3, 2012) – The 2012 General Assembly just completed its fourteenth legislative day this week.  I wanted to take a chance to update you on some of the bigger news items going on in the state Senate.

Georgia Government Accountability Act – SB 223

One of our primary goals this session is to ensure that we are being fiscally responsible with your hard earned tax dollars. We began the week by working toward government efficiency with the passage of SB 223, also known as the Georgia Government and Accountability Act. If enacted, this legislation would create a Joint Legislative Sunset Advisory Committee to oversee the efficiency of government operations and maximize every taxpayer dollar. The passage of this legislation provides a clear solution in addressing how efficient government should operate.  Having passed the Senate, this bill now travels to the House of Representatives for a vote.

Homestead Exemption Bill – SB 117

We also passed the “Homestead Exemption” bill (SB 117) on Monday with a vote of 51 to 0.  This will reduce the risk of homeowners losing their homes during financial hardship through an exemption from levy and sale of property, so as to increase the amount of certain exemptions in a home. SB 117 will raise exemptions from sale or levy of real or personal property that is the debtor’s primary residence from $5,000 to $21,500.  It will also increase the amount exempted for bankruptcy purposes.

The Senate also took up several bills dealing with the hunting and fishing industry. Some of these bills included:

SB 307:  One Day Saltwater Fishing License

This bill creates a one-day salt-water shore fishing license that may be purchased by residents and non-residents for a fee of $5.00. Hunting and fishing licensees bring approximately $20 million dollars a year in revenue to our state budget.

SB 309: Taylor’s Law

This bill would allow state officials to grant special hunting privileges to anyone 21 years or younger with a terminal illness, provided they have proper supervision and follow the usual rules.  If passed, the bill’s sponsor, Senator Rick Jeffares, has proposed to call it “Taylor’s Law,” in honor of Taylor Gramling the 18-year old inspiration for the bill who passed away from leukemia.

SB 301: Use of Sound Suppressors on Hunting Firearms

This bill would repeal the current ban on statewide hunting with the use of suppressed handgun, rifle or shotgun. Sound suppressors attached to firearms are an additional tool available to help protect the shooter’s hearing, reduce noise complaints by surrounding residents, as well as increase accuracy and safety. Similar legislation has already been enacted in 15 other states, and has proven effective in helping to reduce the overall amount of noise associated with firearms. The main benefit of this legislation is to aid in the reduction of nuisance species such as coyotes and feral hogs. These problem species kill our pets, livestock and destroy our crops all over Georgia.

I am honored to serve and represent the citizens of Northwest Georgia and the entire state as the Senate Transportation Chairman.  I remain committed to finding creative and innovative solutions that will ease traffic congestion throughout our state and make Georgia more attractive for businesses that will bring jobs to our communities. Transportation is one of the most important pieces of the puzzle, lay the road for a bright and prosperous future for all Georgians. As I work for you, please continue to contact me with your thoughts.

For Immediate Release:
February 3, 2012

Natalie Dale, Director