Update from the Capitol: Week 10

By: Sen. Larry Walker (R – Perry)

Our time here is seeming to go by in the blink of an eye and although we are less than two weeks away from our final day, we’re continuing to work hard to serve the great people of this state. Our days in Chamber, voting on legislation, have slowed down since last speaking with you, but much of those energies have been redirected to committee meetings. Each one of the bills we have still standing play a critical role in your lives and we are continuing to listen to you to understand your priorities in our remaining time left. As the Senate nears the end of the legislative session, we’re rapidly working to make sure our promises to you are accomplished by Sine Die.

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Update from the Capitol: Week 9

By: Sen. Larry Walker (R – Perry)

With Monday complete and by extension Crossover Day, our final nine legislative days are undoubtedly going to be busy. The deadline to pass legislation is narrowing and we have transitioned into the next stage of the legislative process, addressing House Bills. In these final weeks, we will continue to work on measures that support the needs of the individuals and businesses in our state. While we continue to fulfil our responsibilities, we have made great progress this week and I believe the legislation we passed demonstrates our efforts to serve the people of Georgia.

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Update from the Capitol: Week 8

By: Sen. Larry Walker (R – Perry)

Our time here in Atlanta, serving you for the 2021 legislative session, is quickly going by and with Crossover Day right around the corner, we have been working diligently to try and represent you well. With that, committees met early in the mornings and for long hours to ensure we have met our necessary deadlines and covered each piece of legislation that matters to you. We have made great progress this week towards achieving many of our legislative goals, but we are still working hard to try and better this great state. We want to be efficient with the rest of our time and make sure that your needs are met.

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Update from the Capitol: Week 7

By: Sen. Larry Walker (R – Perry)

The Senate is quickly approaching one of our busiest times of the legislative session and as our conversations have gotten longer, we remain committed to our service to you. This thorough review of legislation has allowed us to speak with you about your opinions, concerns and what you believe are the areas that are most critical. Crossover Day is only a few short days away and we are working hard to ensure the bills that pass out of the Senate Chamber have your best interests in mind. With this all important deadline, we were efficient in our work this week and passed several significant pieces of legislation that we believe are impactful for all of Georgia.

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