Update from the Capitol: Week 8

By: Sen. Larry Walker (R – Perry)

Our time here in Atlanta, serving you for the 2021 legislative session, is quickly going by and with Crossover Day right around the corner, we have been working diligently to try and represent you well. With that, committees met early in the mornings and for long hours to ensure we have met our necessary deadlines and covered each piece of legislation that matters to you. We have made great progress this week towards achieving many of our legislative goals, but we are still working hard to try and better this great state. We want to be efficient with the rest of our time and make sure that your needs are met.

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Update from the Capitol: Week 7

By: Sen. Larry Walker (R – Perry)

The Senate is quickly approaching one of our busiest times of the legislative session and as our conversations have gotten longer, we remain committed to our service to you. This thorough review of legislation has allowed us to speak with you about your opinions, concerns and what you believe are the areas that are most critical. Crossover Day is only a few short days away and we are working hard to ensure the bills that pass out of the Senate Chamber have your best interests in mind. With this all important deadline, we were efficient in our work this week and passed several significant pieces of legislation that we believe are impactful for all of Georgia.

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Update from the Capitol: Week 6

By: Sen. Larry Walker (R – Perry)

As we reach roughly the halfway point of the legislative session, our work is beginning to accelerate and the Senate has been efficient, yet also deliberate, in our efforts to pass legislation. Of the bills that have come before us, I believe we have passed several of value that will help improve the lives of Georgians. A reminder to you, that we are working to serve each corner of this great state. Several more are still up for consideration and as the weeks go on, we will continue to represent your needs here in Atlanta.  

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Update from the Capitol: Week

By: Sen. Larry Walker (R – Perry)

Our work in the General Assembly carried on this week and with 16 legislative days behind us and over 10 bills passed on the Senate Floor, I believe we are working efficiently to pass pieces of legislation that promote the good of this state. While Georgia has shown its strength and resilience throughout the pandemic, the conversations I have had with you make me well aware of the issues still affecting our district. As we continue to find ways we can better your lives, communities and businesses, know that I am working on behalf of you.

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