ATLANTA (May 15, 2017) | On Monday, May 8, 2017, Governor Nathan Deal signed Senate Bill 258 into Georgia law. SB 258, also known as “Briley’s Bill” after the Vidalia Heritage Academy freshman who inspired the legislation, was sponsored by Sen. Blake Tillery (R – Vidalia). Continue reading ““Briley’s Bill” Becomes Georgia Law”
Sen. Tillery Hosts Coach Greg James in the Senate Chamber
ATLANTA (March 9, 2017) | Sen. Blake Tillery (R – Vidalia) welcomed Vidalia High School (VHS) Indians head baseball coach Greg James to the Senate chamber today. Coach James has served as the head coach at VHS for 30 years and the baseball team has won two state championships under his leadership. Continue reading “Sen. Tillery Hosts Coach Greg James in the Senate Chamber”
Sen. Tillery’s Youth Scholarship Winner’s Bill Passes Georgia Senate
ATLANTA (March 7, 2017) | Sen. Blake Tillery (R – Vidalia) welcomed his Youth Legislator Scholarship Competition winner, Briley Braddy to the chamber on Crossover Day. Her essay from this contest inspired Sen. Tillery to draft and sponsor Senate Bill 258 which bars a holder of public funds owed to a municipal government from holding civil office. Currently, Georgia law prohibits holders of public funds due to a county or state from holding such office. This bill extends that prohibition to holders of city funds as well. Continue reading “Sen. Tillery’s Youth Scholarship Winner’s Bill Passes Georgia Senate”
Sen. Blake Tillery Recognizes Miss Georgia USA 2017
ATLANTA (January 23, 2017) | Sen. Blake Tillery (R – Vidalia) recognized DeAnna Johnson, Miss Georgia USA 2017, with Senate Resolution 17 in the chamber on Monday, January 23, 2017. Continue reading “Sen. Blake Tillery Recognizes Miss Georgia USA 2017”
Sen. Blake Tillery to Serve as State Institutions and Properties Vice Chairman
ATLANTA (January 13, 2017) | Sen. Blake Tillery (R – Vidalia) was recently appointed to serve as vice chairman of the State Institutions and Property Committee. He will also serve on several influential committees for the 2017 legislative session including Higher Education, Judiciary, and Economic Development. Continue reading “Sen. Blake Tillery to Serve as State Institutions and Properties Vice Chairman”