Senators Billy Hickman and Clint Dixon to Hold Press Conference on the “School Supplies for Teachers Act”

ATLANTA (March 6, 2024) — Tomorrow, March 7, Chairman of the Senate Committee of Higher Education Sen. Billy Hickman (R–Statesboro) will be holding a press conference alongside Chairman of the Senate Committee on Education and Youth Sen. Clint Dixon (R–Gwinnett), Rep. Bethany Ballard (R–Warner Robbins) and Chairman of the Georgia Council on Literacy Scott Johnson, to discuss Senate Bill 464, the “School Supplies for Teachers Act.”

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Sen. Sally Harrell Files “Georgia Good Faith Grant Act” Comprehensive Needs-Based Scholarship to Expand Access to Higher Education

ATLANTA (March 6, 2024) – Today, Sen. Sally Harrell (D–Atlanta) announced a bipartisan effort to expand access to post-secondary education for Georgia students. Senate Bill 526, the “Good Faith Grant Act,” co-sponsored by Chairman of the Senate Committee on Higher Education Sen. Billy Hickman (R–Statesboro) and Sen. Sally Harrell (D–Atlanta), creates a comprehensive needs-based scholarship program for Georgia students that qualify for college admissions, but might not qualify for the Hope Scholarship. Georgia is one of just a few states that does not have a needs-based scholarship program.

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Senators Serve on Georgia Council on Literacy, First Meeting Held

ATLANTA (August 9, 2023) | On Monday, the Georgia Council on Literacy held its inaugural in-person meeting and roundtable discussion at Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, Georgia. Nearly 200 people were in attendance, including legislators, teachers, children’s literacy experts and members of the public. The Council, which operates under the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement, is dedicated to improving literacy outcomes for Georgia students. The first meeting included an introduction of the Council’s purpose and its members, an overview of the science of reading, reports from the Georgia Literacy Coach, discussion of literacy initiatives in schools and public comment.

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