Georgia Senate Democratic Caucus to Hold Press Conference on Senate Maps Proposal

ATLANTA (November 28, 2023) — Georgia Senate Democratic Caucus Chairwoman Elena Parent (D-Atlanta) invites the media to a press conference to discuss the proposed Senate maps addressing the Voting Rights Act violation found by Federal Northern District of Georgia Judge Steven C. Jones.

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Sen. Kim Jackson and Sen. Elena Parent to Attend Legislator Line Up

ATLANTA (October 3, 2023) | On Tuesday, October 24, 2023, at 6:30 p.m., Senator Kim Jackson (D – Stone Mountain), Senator Elena Parent (D – Atlanta) and local state representatives will attend a Legislator Line Up at the Decatur Presbyterian Church to discuss challenges facing Georgia. Axios Atlanta Reporter Thomas Wheatley will be serving as the moderator of the event to steer the conversation.

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Governor Brian Kemp Signs Lemonade Stand Act

ATLANTA (May 3, 2023) | Today, Governor Brian Kemp signed Senate Bill 55 into law. SB 55, the Lemonade Stand Act, sponsored by Senator Elena Parent (D – Atlanta), will allow those under the age of 18 to sell non-consumable goods, pre-packaged food items and non-alcoholic beverages on private property without requiring permits or licenses or incurring tax, as long as the revenue totals $5,000 or less in a calendar year.

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Lemonade Stand Act Passes in Georgia Senate

ATLANTA (March 3, 2023) | Yesterday, Senate Bill 55, sponsored by Senator Elena Parent (D – Atlanta), passed out of the Georgia Senate. SB 55, also known as the Lemonade Stand Act, would allow for children to sell non-consumable goods, pre-packaged food items and non-alcoholic beverages without requiring permits, licenses or incurring any tax, as long as the revenue totals $5,000 or less in a calendar year.

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