ATLANTA (February 22, 2018) | The Consolidation of Fire Safety Services in Georgia Act, Senate Bill 319, sponsored by Sen. John Albers (R – Roswell), passed the Senate on February 21, 2018, with bipartisan support. Continue reading “Georgia Senate Passes the Consolidation of Fire Safety Services in Georgia Act”
Senator David Shafer Teams Up with Clark Howard to Eliminate Fees for Freezing Credit Files
ATLANTA (February 22, 2018) | Teaming up with consumer expert Clark Howard, Sen. David Shafer (R – Duluth) received a “do pass” recommendation from the Senate Banking and Financial Institutions Committee on Senate Bill 376 allowing Georgia consumers to freeze their credit files without paying fees.
Sen. Donzella James Welcomes Pastor Dr. Bernice King as Chaplain of the Day
ATLANTA (February 21, 2018) | Sen. Donzella James (D – Atlanta) welcomed Pastor Dr. Bernice King, Chief Executive Officer of the King Center in Atlanta, to serve as Chaplain of the Day on Wednesday, February 15, 2018, in the Georgia State Senate. Continue reading “Sen. Donzella James Welcomes Pastor Dr. Bernice King as Chaplain of the Day”
Sen. Jeff Mullis Announced as Winner of 2017 Charlotte Wilen Advocate of the Year Award
ATLANTA (February 21, 2018) | The Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition (HMHB) of Georgia recently announced Sen. Jeff Mullis (R – Chickamauga) as a winner of 2017’s Charlotte Wilen Advocate of the Year Award.
Sen. Lester Jackson Voices Concerns over Offshore Drilling
ATLANTA (February 21, 2018) | Sen. Lester Jackson (D – Savannah) recently introduced Senate Resolution 706, supporting Georgia’s coastal tourism and fisheries in opposition to oil drilling and seismic testing off of coastal Georgia. Continue reading “Sen. Lester Jackson Voices Concerns over Offshore Drilling”