Update from the Capitol: Week Ten

By: Sen. Larry Walker (R – Perry)

The 10th week under the gold dome has come and gone, leaving us just five legislative days and two weeks away from the end of the 2018 Legislative Session. With the pressure on to review and vote on as many House bills as possible, you can bet that our days and nights here will continue to grow longer as we work to pass legislation that will positively impact Georgians. Continue reading “Update from the Capitol: Week Ten”

Gerber Baby Lucas Andrew Warren to Be Honored at Georgia State Capitol

ATLANTA (March 16, 2018)  | Senator Chuck Payne (R – Dalton) will present Senate Resolution 999 recognizing Lucas Andrew Warren of Dalton as the first Gerber spokesbaby with special needs on Monday, March 19, 2018. The Senate will convene at 10:00a.m. and the resolution will be presented shortly after. Citizens may view the presentation from the Senate gallery, however if you are unable to attend, follow this link for the livestream:

Continue reading “Gerber Baby Lucas Andrew Warren to Be Honored at Georgia State Capitol”