Governor Kemp Signs Legislation to Strengthen Georgia’s Workforce

ATLANTA (April 28, 2023) | Yesterday, Governor Brian P. Kemp signed Senate Bill 3 into law. Sponsored by Sen. John Albers (R – Roswell), this measure requires the Department of Administrative Services to frequently assess a number of educational and experience requirements necessary for employment for state entities.

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Senator John Albers Recognized as Living Kidney Donor at Atlanta Braves Baseball Game

ATLANTA (April 26, 2023) | Yesterday, Senator John Albers (R – Roswell) and his son Will Albers, were recognized as living kidney donor representatives at the inaugural Living Donor Awareness Game, hosted by the Atlanta Braves at Truist Park. Sen. Albers and his son were also joined by Joe Isaksen and Paul Hailstone, their living donor representatives.

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Sen. Shawn Still Condemns Comments Made by Fulton County Commissioners

ATLANTA (March 27, 2023) |Today, Senator Shawn Still (R – Johns Creek) issued the following statement in response to recent comments made during the Fulton County Board of Commissioners meeting on March 15, 2023.

“The events that occurred during the previous Fulton County Board of Commissioners meeting were obvious acts of discrimination,” said Sen. Still. “During the discussion on the adoption of a resolution authorizing the Fulton County attorney to file a complaint with the Department of Justice requesting an investigation of Wellstar, Commissioner Bridget Thorne gave a description of financial issues that may have led to the closure of two hospitals in south Fulton. After listening to this hearing, many of her data points seemed accurate from a fiscal perspective.

However, two Fulton Commissioners felt the need to mock and ridicule her based off of preconceived notions regarding her race, appearance and her upbringing. I understand the recent hospital closures in south Fulton have left many frustrated and without care, but instead of focusing on Commissioner Thorne, the duty of each Commissioner should be to focus on the resolution or matter at hand. As an elected official, Commissioner Thorne is allowed to express an opinion just like anyone else.

I commend and appreciate Commissioner Thorne for her strength and composure during these negative exchanges. She represented her constituents well, and made many valid points. I am proud of how she handled such an unprofessional situation. I condemn the actions taken during the March 15 meeting, and will continue to defend any Commissioner’s right to express their opinions on a topic of concern. I encourage Board Chairman Robb Pitts to strive to do the same, and hope that this will not happen again.”

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Sen. Shawn Still represents the 48th Senate District which includes portions of Forsyth, Gwinnett, and Fulton counties. He can be reached by phone at 404.656.0044 or by email at

Leaf Blower Bill Leaves Local Control

ATLANTA (February 16, 2023) |Senator Shawn Still (R – Johns Creek) introduced Senate Bill 145, also known as the “Landscape Equipment and Agricultural Fairness (LEAF) Act,” which would prohibit any regulations that differ gasoline-powered leaf blowers from similar equipment such as battery powered landscape tools.

“Property owners can make their own decisions about what equipment is used and this bill does nothing to change that. Athens-Clarke County recently approved $100,000 to purchase battery operated equipment for use on their properties,” said Sen. Still. “I have worked with industry leaders from across the state to craft legislation that does not discourage the use of battery powered equipment, but ensures that Georgians are still able to utilize gas-powered utilities when battery powered tools cannot get the job done. This bill would prevent government overreach that restricts devices on the property of others and will aide those who work to keep Georgia beautiful.”

This legislation would create a uniform standard for leaf-blowing equipment across the state.

“We are a residential landscape company and have been strong advocates of utilizing battery-powered maintenance equipment. We have seen consistent improvements over the last five years in both power and run time, but we haven’t seen costs go down, and this is a major obstacle for companies,” said Pam Dooley, owner of Plants Creative Landscapes. “Additionally, an eight-hour run time for batteries used in blowers during heavy leaf season falls well short of what landscape professionals require. Because of these two challenges, we continue to use a combination of gas and battery-powered products.”

“Gasoline leaf blowers have the power and run time needed to move large volumes of debris on job sites,” said Teddy Russell, CEO of Russell Landscape Group. “Battery and electrical equipment continue to improve, but simply do not fit our commercial application needs. Additionally, uniform equipment use ordinances are essential for our employees serving clients across the metro region.”

SB 145 has been referred to the Senate Committee on State and Local Governmental Operations.

You can read the full text of SB 145 here.

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Sen. Shawn Still represents the 48th Senate District which includes portions of Forsyth, Gwinnett, and Fulton counties. He can be reached by phone at 404.656.0044 or by email at

Senator Ed Setzler to Hold Press Conference on Religious Freedom Restoration Act

ATLANTA (February 14, 2023) | On Tuesday, February 14, 2023, at 4:00 p.m., Senator Ed Setzler (R – Acworth) will hold a press conference on the Georgia Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). This bill will exactly mirror federal constitution protections word for word and apply them to state law.

WHO:             Senator Ed Setzler

WHAT:            Press Conference on the Georgia Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

WHEN:            Tuesday, February 14, 2023, at 4:00 p.m.      

WHERE:          Senate Press Conference Room 203

Coverdell Legislative Office Building

                         Atlanta, GA 30334


Sen. Ed Setzler represents the 37th Senate District, which includes parts of Cobb and Bartow County. He may be reached by phone at (404) 656-0256 or by email at