Senate Bill on TRICARE Passes Out of House Committee

ATLANTA (March 11, 2014) | Senate Bill 391, sponsored by Sen. Don Balfour (R- Snellville), unanimously passed out of the House Health and Human Services Committee yesterday.  SB 391 will encourage medical facilities to make a good faith effort to join the southern regional TRICARE network; the health care program serving uniformed service members, retirees and their families worldwide.

“Our prestigious military provides us with safety and security throughout the world,” said Sen. Balfour.  “As hospitals expand options for healthcare coverage under the TRICARE program, we are ensuring our military is taken care of, just like they take care of us every day and everywhere.”

TRICARE is a major part of the Military Health System that combines the resources of military hospitals and clinics with civilian health care networks, provides access to high-quality health care and supports military operations. The bill will not require a medical facility to enter into contract or participate in TRICARE as a network or non-network provider, but requires facilities to apply for the TRICARE program contractor for certification to participate in the program.

SB 391 passed the Senate Health and Human Services Committee on February 25th and the full Senate body on March 3 by a vote of 48-2.  The bill will now head to the House of Representatives for a final floor vote.  If signed by the Governor and enacted into law, SB 391 will require Georgia medical facilities to apply to the TRICARE managed care support contractor for certification beginning on July 1, 2015.

For Immediate Release:
March 11, 2014

For Information Contact:
Jennifer Yarber, Director
Emily Williams, Communications Associate