Senate Bill 309 Passes the Senate

ATLANTA (February 27, 2018) | Senate Bill 309, sponsored by Sen. Josh McKoon (R – Columbus), passed the Senate on Monday, February 26, 2018. The bill would require all cities in Georgia to close primary and election polls at 7 p.m., would eliminate special election run-offs for state or county elections and would call for special primaries to be held before special elections.

“This bill will help to reduce confusion of the closing time of polls by requiring all cities in the state of Georgia to close at the same time and eliminate the amount of time between an office being vacated and office being filled by removing the requirement for a runoff in special elections,” said Sen. McKoon. “We have many provisions in place to help accommodate the many voters in all regions in Georgia, including large cities. Among the many types of voting that are allowed, there are weeks of early voting, absentee voting ballots and a Saturday is dedicated to voting. This legislation was needed to streamline the process and to benefit Georgians who deserve to have their respective delegation seats filled in a timely manner.”

Senate Bill 309 has now been transmitted to the Georgia House of Representatives for consideration.

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For Immediate Release:
February 27, 2018

Elisabeth Fletcher, Communications Specialist