Sen. Tonya Anderson on Temporary Closure of BD Bard Plant in Covington

ATLANTA (October 22, 2019) | Sen. Tonya Anderson (D – Lithonia) released the following statement on the state’s decision to temporarily close the Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD) plant in Covington after a report of elevated levels of ethylene oxide emissions from the plant.

“After months of uncertainty of the levels of dangerous gasses, like ethylene oxide, that were being emitted in our community and the potential threats these gasses pose to nearby residents and employees, I am glad that the state has stepped in to temporarily close this plant in order for enhanced safety protocols and procedures to be established,” said Sen. Anderson. “For years, the plant was allowed to self-test the quality of the air and was trusted to report any elevated levels of emissions. The agencies trusted them, the community trusted them, but unfortunately they have put profit over people, including their employees. Until the plant can demonstrate that it has taken meaningful, productive steps towards enhancing the safety of nearby residents and employees, as well as abiding by the Georgia Air Quality Act, I support its temporary closure.”

To access the motion, brief and complaint filed by the state, follow this link:

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For Immediate Release:
October 23, 2019

Elisabeth Fletcher, Communications Specialist