By: Sen. Ross Tolleson
ATLANTA (February 5, 2009) – With Committee meetings now passing legislation to the floor it is leading to some lively debate between the Senators. This week the State Senate passed Senate Resolution 44. This legislation is going to help provide comprehensive transportation relief from the rural areas all over the state to the metropolitan eight-lane highways of Atlanta. I am proud to have voted in support of this legislation as a member of the Transportation Committee and on the floor of the State Senate. This Constitutional Amendment will provide what is known as a Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax, commonly known as T-SPLOST. The amendment allows for a 1 percent regional sales tax which would be voted on by the communities. If the voters approve the increase it would be used for a specified period of time to fund transportation projects in their own communities.
The Natural Resources and Environment Committee has been very busy as well. The Committee passed three bills this week that will be sent to the Senate floor for a vote. One of these bills deals with making sure diesel engines meet certain air admission standards to improve air quality by 2011. I was also pleased to sponsor legislation honoring the Georgia Forestry Association on Thursday. This organization through the years has worked with landowners in protecting their property rights and adopting sound land management practices to ensure that our forests continue to provide clean air, clean water, soil conservation, wildlife habitat, recreation and products that we all use every day. I was also proud to speak and introduce Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers at The Georgia Forestry Association’s annual Legislative Luncheon. All in all Georgia Forestry Day was a big success.
The past two weeks I was also glad to see so many of my constituents here at the Capitol. It is a pleasure to see such a bright future for my district. I was pleased to welcome Home School students from across the 20th District. This gives these students a chance to see the legislature in action and it lets me hear what issues are important to the next generation. Just because students can not vote, does not mean they do not have a voice. I was also glad to attend the Houston County Leadership Lunch up here were I spoke to Perry and Warner Robbins Leadership Classes. On Wednesday, Governor Purdue signed the St Patrick’s Day Proclamation for Dublin.
As the January Revenue figures begin to trickle in, our job is starting to look harder than ever before. This January might produce a record low for collected revenue. Undoubtedly budget cuts will occur. Nevertheless I will work to preserve what is in the best interest for you and the entire state of Georgia to create A Better Georgia.
Sen. Ross Tolleson represents the 20th Senate District and serves as chairman of the Natural Resources and the Environment Committee. He may be reached at 404.656.0081 or ross.tolleson@senate.ga.gov. Sen. Tolleson represents Bleckley, Dodge, Houston, Johnson, Laurens, Pulaski, Telfair and Wilcox counties.
For Immediate Release:
February 5, 2009
For Information Contact:
Martin Sullivan