ATLANTA (March 2, 2009) – Sen. Eric Johnson (R-Savannah), chairman of the Senate Ethics Committee, announced he will propose a change to the Senate Rules on Tuesday that will require all Senators to be current on their state income taxes. Failure to pay their taxes could subject them to disciplinary action, which could include removal from the Senate.
“Serving in the Senate requires an oath to uphold the Constitution of this State and the United States, which includes abiding by State and Federal laws. Every Senator should pay their taxes just like we expect of every Georgian. However, there is no method to determine compliance. This rule will create an investigative tool as well as an enforcement incentive,” said Johnson.
Recent news stories have reported that 19 legislators, including three senators, are delinquent in State and Federal income taxes. The Georgia Department of Revenue is currently conducting an investigation. Preliminary results show that some legislators have failed to pay income taxes since 2002. Currently there is no provision in state law to keep the Legislature from seating members who are behind on their taxes.
The resolution was filed today. For a more complete version of the resolution go to www.legis.ga.gov and do a legislative search for SR 452.
Sen. Eric Johnson of the 1st Senate district serves as the chairman of the Ethics Committee. He represents Bryan County and portions of Chatham and Liberty counties. He may be reached at 404.656.5109 or via e-mail at eric.johnson@senate.ga.gov.
For Immediate Release:
March 2, 2009
For Information Contact:
Raegan Weber, Director