Sen. Harbison Featured in NCSL Magazine

ATLANTA (August 14, 2013) – Sen. Ed Harbison (D– Columbus) was recently featured in the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) State Legislatures Magazine’s July/August edition in an article titled GI Jobs .

“As a veteran, there is no greater issue facing our service men and women than assisting our hero’s in their transition back to civilian life,” said Sen. Harbison.  “I’m honored NCSL choose to highlight our state’s work in allowing veterans to apply their military training for professional licensure.  I look forward to continuing my work on the Veterans, Military and Homeland Security Committee as we seek to eliminate barriers military men and women face when they return home from serving these United States.”

The article features ways state legislatures are addressing employment for veterans upon their completion of service.  Armed service members gain invaluable skills overseas serving our country that can be applied in professional careers at home.  Georgia has taken a leading role in implementing laws to assist veterans in obtaining employment based on trade skills learned during service.

For the full article, please visit:

For Immediate Release:
August 14, 2013

For Information Contact:
Jennifer Yarber, Interim Director
Adam Sweat, Communications Specialist