Budget the Hot Topic of First Week

Sen. Chip Pearson
Sen. Chip Pearson

By Sen. Chip Pearson
ATLANTA (January 16, 2009) – The one thing on everyone’s mind during the first week of the 2009 session was the budget, which will be sure to dominate all business under the Gold Dome this year. We heard from Governor Perdue on his budget proposal during the State of the State address. He emphasized the need to cut spending while also encouraging investment in Georgia’s future through an aggressive bond program to build needed infrastructure.

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Senator Jack Hill Presents Budget Reality to State Senate – Leaders Confident In Finding Solutions

ATLANTA, GA (January 15, 2009) — Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Jack Hill (R-Reidsville) spoke on the Senate floor this morning regarding Georgia’s recent revenue numbers and the budget challenges facing the legislature this year. Despite hearing the reality of the budget shortfall and the gap between last year’s and this year’s revenue numbers, State Senate leaders expressed an understanding of the daunting challenge they are facing and vow to implement solutions for Georgia’s long-term benefit. With the 2009 budget shortfall at $2.2 billion, Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle is convinced that any fixes the General Assembly tries to implement must be fiscally responsible and sustaining. Continue reading “Senator Jack Hill Presents Budget Reality to State Senate – Leaders Confident In Finding Solutions”

Sen. Wiles Unanimously Elected Chairman of the Cobb County Legislative Delegation

ATLANTA (January 15, 2009) – State Senator John Wiles (R-Kennesaw) has been unanimously elected chairman of the Cobb County Legislative Delegation. The Delegation is comprised of all members of the General Assembly whose districts are wholly or partly in Cobb County. He will serve as chairman for the 2009-2010 legislative term.

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Statement from Senate Leadership on Governor’s State of the State Address

“The Governor’s address reiterates the importance of building a stronger Georgia by creating a leaner, more efficient government. Like many Georgia families and small businesses, we must make tough decisions in order to balance our checkbook. I am committed to working with both the Governor and the House to do what is best for Georgians in these tough economic times.”

Sen. Tommie Williams (R-Lyons)
Senate President Pro Tempore

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Sen. Buckner Appointed to Notable Committees for First Senate Term

ATLANTA (January 15, 2009) – State Senator Gail Buckner (D-Jonesboro) began her first term Monday as a state senator in the Georgia General Assembly, where she was appointed by Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle to the Interstate Cooperation, State Institutions and Property, Economic Development, Education and Youth, Urban Affairs and Government Oversight committees.

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