Senate Improves Transportation and Provides Property Tax Relief

Sen. Chip Pearson
Sen. Chip Pearson

By Sen. Chip Pearson
ATLANTA (February 6, 2009) – The Senate made great strides this week in bringing needed relief to Georgians on the road and at home. We successfully passed the most sweeping form of transportation legislation in Georgia history, and are also keeping property taxes low by passing a measure to fund the Homeowner’s Tax Relief Grants (HTRG) this year, and in addition, doubling the Homestead Tax Exemptions from $2000 to $4000.

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Notes from the Senate

00heathheadshotbig2By Sen. Bill Heath
ATLANTA (February 6, 2009)—This week witnessed exponential efforts to support tax relief and transportation development which hit as two of Georgia’s most current and critical needs. I support these issues and have helped pass the legislation which will provide Georgians with some much needed relief. I also had the honor of introducing my pastor, Brother Herman Parker from the First Baptist Church of Bremen, as the chaplain of the day.

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Sen. Tolleson Reports from the Capitol

Sen. Ross Tolleson
Sen. Ross Tolleson

By: Sen. Ross Tolleson

ATLANTA (February 5, 2009) – With Committee meetings now passing legislation to the floor it is leading to some lively debate between the Senators. This week the State Senate passed Senate Resolution 44. This legislation is going to help provide comprehensive transportation relief from the rural areas all over the state to the metropolitan eight-lane highways of Atlanta. I am proud to have voted in support of this legislation as a member of the Transportation Committee and on the floor of the State Senate. This Constitutional Amendment will provide what is known as a Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax, commonly known as T-SPLOST. The amendment allows for a 1 percent regional sales tax which would be voted on by the communities. If the voters approve the increase it would be used for a specified period of time to fund transportation projects in their own communities.

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State Senator Renee Unterman Leading Charge in General Assembly to Fight Prostitution of Children

ATLANTA, GA (February 5, 2009) — State Senator Renee Unterman (R-Buford) continued her efforts to fight the sexual exploitation of minors in Georgia as she held a press conference today at the State Capitol endorsing a legislative package aimed at cracking down on this practice. Senator Unterman, who co-chaired the joint Commission on Sexual Exploitation of Minors this past summer, is the primary sponsor of two bills in the package which she sees as vital measures to protect the safety of young boys and girls and to create a no tolerance zone for the prostitution of children in Georgia. Continue reading “State Senator Renee Unterman Leading Charge in General Assembly to Fight Prostitution of Children”