Senate To Consider Bipartisan Tax Transparency Bill (SB 206)

ATLANTA (Feb. 24, 2009) – The Senate Appropriations Committee will take up Senate Bill (SB) 206, introduced by Sen. Greg Goggans (R-Douglas), Chair of the Community Health Appropriations Subcommittee, on Tuesday, March 3. The bill would require a regular accounting of tax breaks to bring more transparency and accountability into tax decisions. Bill cosponsors include Senate President Pro Tem Tommie Williams (R-Lyons), Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers (R-Woodstock), Appropriations Chair Jack Hill (R-Reidsville), Senate Minority Caucus Chair Tim Golden (D-Valdosta), and Sen. Bill Cowsert (R-Athens), the Governor’s floor leader.

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Sen. Johnson to Introduce Income Tax Compliance Rules

Sen. Eric Johnson
Sen. Eric Johnson

ATLANTA (March 2, 2009) – Sen. Eric Johnson (R-Savannah), chairman of the Senate Ethics Committee, announced he will propose a change to the Senate Rules on Tuesday that will require all Senators to be current on their state income taxes. Failure to pay their taxes could subject them to disciplinary action, which could include removal from the Senate.

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Senate Continues Working toward Transportation Reform

Sen. Chip Pearson
Sen. Chip Pearson

By Sen. Chip Pearson
ATLANTA (February 27, 2009) – The overall challenge of this year’s session is to critically examine how to better manage our resources for state government to continue providing an unwavering level of service despite shrinking funds. Determining funding priorities is the main focus behind budget negotiations this year, allowing us to make government more efficient and effective for the people of Georgia.

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Notes from the Senate

00heathheadshotbigATLANTA (February 27, 2009)— Georgia’s ranking in education and transportation leave much to be desired. Georgia’s high school graduation rates are still 49th in the nation, and recent reports state that Georgia is 12th in the nation of the worst states for transportation. Both education and transportation have dramatic effects on a state’s economy and development. This week I was proud to stand with my Republican colleagues in true education and transportation reform.

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Sen. Harbison Urges Congressional Delegation to Fund Statewide First Responder System

ATLANTA (Feb. 26, 2009) – State Sen. Ed Harbison (D-Columbus) is requesting that the Georgia Congressional Delegation use a portion of the funds from President Barack Obama’s stimulus bill to assist with the creation and operation of a statewide first responder building mapping information system. The statewide system was established through Senate Bill 33, which passed in the Georgia General Assembly in 2008. Through the implementation of the system, state and local governments would be better prepared to respond to disasters, criminal behavior and acts of terrorism.

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