By Sen. Jeff Mullis
With the final days of session counting down, the first priority in the Senate is passing common sense legislation to create jobs in Georgia. While the Federal government is continuing to throw more taxpayer dollars at bad investments, Georgia is creating true stimulus legislation. Government should create the environment for businesses to thrive and create jobs; not take over business to “rescue” a struggling economy.
We will see economic recovery, but we have three options before us: wait for recovery, prolong it, or speed it up. We must do all we can to speed up economic recovery in Georgia and a less restrictive, constraining government will lead to a much faster recovery. I’m proud to stand with my Senate and House colleagues in presenting a true stimulus package that spends absolutely no taxpayer money and allows the market to immediately respond.
The Jobs, Opportunity, and Business Success Act (JOBS) of 2009 is a tax relief package that recognizes the people of our state as the driving economic force. House Bill 481 and 482 comprise the JOBS Act providing a new business filing fee holiday, a $500 credit towards the unemployment insurance tax for each eligible employee hired, a $2,400 income tax credit for each eligible employee hired, and the elimination of the sales tax deposit. The Act would also eliminate the state inventory tax on all Georgia businesses.
This package creates an environment that makes Georgia attractive to new business startups as well as businesses seeking to expand in Georgia. It creates an environment that encourages the creation of jobs through the removal of government imposed barriers and provides incentives for job creation by independent businesses.
Current stimulus proposals include government sponsored spending projects that create “work” not jobs. This work is temporary and the employment created by those projects will end when the projects end. The cost of government created and funded work projects are high and taxpayers will pay the ultimate price for many years. Costs are estimated as high as $3,000 for every $1,000 in employment compensation. It’s not enough that Washington has used up our children’s credit. Now the spending has gotten so out of control that our grandchildren will be paying our debts. A less restrictive and constraining government will lead to a faster recovery. Georgia’s proposal harnesses the greatness of Georgia…the intellectual capital, the entrepreneurial spirit, and the true grit of every Georgian.
Sen. Jeff Mullis serves as Chairman of the Transportation Committee. He represents the 53rd Senate district which includes Chattooga, Dade, and Walker counties and portions of Catoosa County. He can be reached at his office in Atlanta at 404.656.0057 or by email at jeff.mullis@senate.ga.gov.
For Immediate Release:
March 20, 2009
For Information Contact:
Raegan Weber, Director