The Safe Streets Act

By Senator Bill Hamrick

As of December 2009, Carroll County had a total of 1,746 probationers and parolees. Douglas County had a total of 4,929 probationers and parolees. Paulding County had a total of 1,456 probationers and parolees. Of these 7,193 offenders, more than 28 percent will commit another crime. These are hard facts that must be addressed. Unfortunately, tough economic realities are forcing the state legislature to consider ways to cut costs, particularly within the Department of Corrections. Continue reading “The Safe Streets Act”

South Georgia at the State Capitol

By State Sen. Greg Goggans

One of the areas hardest hit by the current economic recession has been our state-chartered banks, especially when it comes to their lending ability.  Georgia’s banks are only allowed to lend up to 15 percent of their total capital to any one borrower.  In a poor economy their capital has declined, lowering their lending limits and creating a negative atmosphere for investment and business growth.  Georgia’s current lending laws have had the unintended consequence of preventing banks from renewing loans, even with their best customers.   This punishes banks by forcing them to turn away business and it hurts borrowers who are meeting their obligations.  Those borrowers then must take costly time and resources to seek out additional credit in this slow market, many who rely on these loans just to stay afloat.  Continue reading “South Georgia at the State Capitol”

Senator Vincent Fort’s Dropout Deterrent Act Passes Education Committee

ATLANTA (Feb. 11, 2010) – Sen. Vincent Fort’s Dropout Deterrent Act passed unanimously out of the Senate Education and Youth Committee. The bill will increase the mandatory school attendance ages from 16 to 17.  Sen. Fort drafted the legislation to detour young people in the state from dropping out of high school.

Continue reading “Senator Vincent Fort’s Dropout Deterrent Act Passes Education Committee”