Hamrick: A Working Recess

By Sen. Bill Hamrick

The state legislature is recessing for two weeks for joint House and Senate Appropriations meetings and discussions with the governor as part of a continuous effort to balance the state budget for FY 2011, our greatest challenge and our highest priority. We are committed to laying the groundwork for fiscally responsible spending and cutting waste, especially during these hard times. We must create incentives to spur the economy. Continue reading “Hamrick: A Working Recess”

Senator Curt Thompson Participates in Purim Holiday Celebration

WHAT:           State Sen. Curt Thompson (D-Norcross) will be participating in the King David Academy’s Purim Day Celebration on Sunday, February 28 from 11-3 p.m.  The holiday celebrates the deliverance of the Jews from the ancient Persian Empire, and is told in the biblical book of Ester. This free event is open to the public and will include circus performers, a petting zoo, face painting and Russian and Asian foods. Participants are also encouraged to wear traditional costumes.

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Sen. Smith Releases Legislative Report on Public Defender Standards Council

As chairman of the legislative oversight committee on the Georgia Public Defender Standards Council, Sen. Preston Smith (R-Rome) today announced the release of the committee’s report that reviews the council’s standards, programs and budgets.  The committee meets throughout the year and is made up of four members from both the Senate and House.   

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