The Senate Goes Red for Republican Women

ATLANTA – (Mar. 2, 2010) State Sen. Mitch Seabaugh (R-Sharpsburg) last week welcomed the Georgia Federation of Republican Women to the State Capitol for “Red Coat Day.” The women wore red coats in support of their organization, which has been instrumental in advocating on behalf of conservative ideals for the citizens of Georgia.

 “The Georgia Federation of Republican Women dedicate themselves to protecting the concerns and issues that I continue to fight for in the Georgia Senate,” said Sen. Seabaugh. “It was an honor to host them at the Capitol and to share what we’re working on here in Georgia.”

 The Georgia Federation of Republican began as a grassroots organization with the goal of educating voters and increasing their participation in state and local elections. Beginning in 1957, the group affiliated with the national association to support conservative platforms in the state of Georgia. Today they support a platform which fights against measures that damage the economy, increase the national debt, give the federal government unprecedented power and make our nation vulnerable to our enemies. For more information about the Georgia Federation of Georgia Federation of Republican Women, visit

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For Immediate Release:
March 2, 2010
For Information Contact:
Raegan Weber, Director
Adam Sweat, Press Aid

Heath: A Paradigm Shift in Education

By Sen. Bill Heath

What if we could improve education in Georgia by tracking each child’s education success from kindergarten all the way through graduation?  What if each child received the extra help or the individual challenges they need to achieve that success?  And what if teachers were also rewarded for their contributions to each child’s success even long after the student has left their class?  After all, many educators have had a positive influence on the educational attainment of a student at the early stages of learning.  Right now we have an exciting opportunity to make a paradigm shift to improve education by measuring the positive impact on individual students.  Incentivizing teachers through enhanced compensation for their contribution in each child’s academic success is a win-win for everyone. Continue reading “Heath: A Paradigm Shift in Education”

Sen. Jones’ Zero Tolerance Bills up for Vote in Senate Committee

ATLANTA (March 1, 2010) – Sen. Emanuel Jones’ (D-Decatur) zero tolerance legislative package will be up for a vote tomorrow in the Senate Education and Youth Committee at 10:00 a.m.  Sen. Jones is working to limit the abuse of zero tolerance discipline policies and bring more common sense to how Georgia schools discipline students.

Continue reading “Sen. Jones’ Zero Tolerance Bills up for Vote in Senate Committee”

Sen. Seay calls on Washington to continue Funding Transportation for Georgia’s Critical Need Population

Sen. Valencia Seay

ATLANTA (Feb 26, 2010) – After paratransit riders in Clayton County came close to losing a vital means of public transportation, Sen. Valencia Seay (D-Riverdale) is urging President Barack Obama and Congress to continue funding public transportation for Georgia’s elderly and disabled citizens.  Her efforts come in response to Clayton County’s decision to shutter its C-TRAN public bus service, which serves 400 paratransit riders.  She shared her efforts with Georgia Department of Transportation (DOT) commissioner Vance Smith and the Georgia Regional Transportation Authority (GRTA) today during a transportation budget hearing at the State Capitol.

Continue reading “Sen. Seay calls on Washington to continue Funding Transportation for Georgia’s Critical Need Population”