Bill Revising State Election Dates Passes Senate

ATLANTA (January 14, 2014)  |  House Bill 310 passed the Georgia State Senate by substitute today by a vote of 38 to 15. The bill substitute would revise the schedule of state and local candidate elections to correspond with federal candidate elections dates, and was carried by Sen. Butch Miller (R – Gainesville). Sen. Miller also serves as chairman of the Senate Majority Caucus. Continue reading “Bill Revising State Election Dates Passes Senate”

Sen. Seay Introduces Legislation to Allow Local Governments Option to Renew Local SPLOST’s

ATLANTA (January 14, 2014) | Today, Sen. Valencia Seay (D- Riverdale) introduced legislation that will allow local governments and municipalities the option to renew existing special purpose local-option sales taxes (SPLOST) that fund maintenance , operations and transportation.  If passed, this bill simply extends a funding mechanism already in place and does not increase the tax burden on hard working citizens. Continue reading “Sen. Seay Introduces Legislation to Allow Local Governments Option to Renew Local SPLOST’s”

Sen. Cecil Staton Calls for Constitutional Amendment to Impose Fiscal Restraints on the Federal Government

ATLANTA (January 13, 2014)  |  Sen. Cecil Staton ( R- Macon) proposed a resolution today calling for a convention of states to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government. The resolution also provides for potential constitutional amendments that would limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government as well as the terms of office for federal officials and members of congress.   Continue reading “Sen. Cecil Staton Calls for Constitutional Amendment to Impose Fiscal Restraints on the Federal Government”