Senator Harold Jones II and Augusta Richmond County Record Restriction Team Announces Close of Record Restriction Summit Registration Period

ATLANTA (July 20, 2018) | Sen. Harold Jones II (D – Augusta) in conjunction with the Record Restriction Team announces the Augusta-Richmond County Record Restriction Summit registration period will close Friday, July 20th at 5 p.m. Continue reading “Senator Harold Jones II and Augusta Richmond County Record Restriction Team Announces Close of Record Restriction Summit Registration Period”

Sen. Harold Jones II to Attend Third Meeting of Senate Study Committee on Information Technology Corridors

ATLANTA (October 13, 2017) | Senator Harold Jones II (D — Augusta) was recently appointed to the Senate Information Technology Corridors Study Committee by Lt. Governor Casey Cagle. The committee is charged with examining how information technology corridors can help increase economic development for the state. Continue reading “Sen. Harold Jones II to Attend Third Meeting of Senate Study Committee on Information Technology Corridors”

Sen. Harold Jones II to Serve on Senate Study Committee on Cyber Security Education

ATLANTA (October 10, 2017) | Senator Harold Jones II (D – Augusta) has been appointed to the Senate Study Committee on Cyber Security Education by Lt. Governor Casey Cagle. The committee is charged with examining the best way to incorporate cyber security education into a statewide education curriculum.

Continue reading “Sen. Harold Jones II to Serve on Senate Study Committee on Cyber Security Education”