Budget Allocates Funds for New Science Building for Clayton State University

ATLANTA (March 29, 2013) – Sen. Gail Davenport (D-Jonesboro) fought for Clayton State University to receive funds in the Fiscal Year 2014 General Budget.  After five years of negotiations, the Georgia General Assembly has approved a line item provision for Clayton State to build a much needed new science facility.  HB 106 now awaits the Governor’s final approval.

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A City in Crisis

By Sens. Emanuel Jones, Rick Jeffares and Gail Davenport

ATLANTA (April 14, 2011) – Throughout its storied history, the City of Stockbridge has built a reputation as a thriving suburban town; a place where people want to live, work and raise a family. However, political infighting among city officials has thrown this prominent community into turmoil.

After Mayor Lee Stuart sued the city council in an attempted power grab last year, the city has been embroiled in a costly lawsuit with no end in sight. However, a bill sits before the legislature that represents an agreement reached by both parties that could put this city and its leadership back on track. We authored Senate Bill 189, which revises the city’s charter to delineate the power between the mayor and city administrator, who would be the chief administrative officer and act as a liaison between the mayor and the city employees.

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