ATLANTA (March 25, 2015) | Sen. Elena Parent (D – Atlanta) commends the Senate’s passage of House Bills 597, 598, and 599, sponsored by Rep. Scott Holcomb (D – 81), three pieces of legislation that work together to increase transparency in DeKalb governmental operations. Continue reading “Legislative Package Aimed at Greater Transparency in DeKalb Goes to the Governor”
Sens. Elena Parent and Gloria Butler Offer Legislative Package Aimed at Greater Transparency in DeKalb
ATLANTA (February 19, 2015) | Sens. Elena Parent (D – Atlanta) and Gloria Butler (D – Stone Mountain) on Tuesday dropped Senate Bills 118, 120 and 121, three pieces of legislation that will work together to increase transparency in DeKalb governmental operations.
Senators Form Atlanta Delegation: Orrock, Tate to serve as co-chairs
ATLANTA (February 5, 2015) | Seven state Senators, concerned about the lack of representation of in-town constituency needs, have formed the Atlanta Senate Delegation.
Continue reading “Senators Form Atlanta Delegation: Orrock, Tate to serve as co-chairs”