Senator Sonya Halpern, in Partnership with Governor Brian P. Kemp, to Honor Georgia’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities

ATLANTA (March 16, 2021) | Sen. Sonya Halpern (D – Atlanta), in partnership with Gov. Brian P. Kemp, will host HBCU Heritage Day at the Georgia State Capitol on Tuesday, March 16, 2021, at 2:00 p.m., in order to honor Georgia’s 10 historically Black colleges and universities.

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Update from the Capitol: Week 9

By: Sen. Larry Walker (R – Perry)

With Monday complete and by extension Crossover Day, our final nine legislative days are undoubtedly going to be busy. The deadline to pass legislation is narrowing and we have transitioned into the next stage of the legislative process, addressing House Bills. In these final weeks, we will continue to work on measures that support the needs of the individuals and businesses in our state. While we continue to fulfil our responsibilities, we have made great progress this week and I believe the legislation we passed demonstrates our efforts to serve the people of Georgia.

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