Sen. Lindsey Tippins Statement on Education Bills Signed into Law

050713_Tippins_SB115billsigningATLANTA (May 9, 2013) – Sen. Lindsey Tippins (R-Marietta) releases the following statement on education bills signed May 7th by Governor Nathan Deal:

“I want to thank Superintendent of Marietta City Schools Dr. Emily Lembeck for bringing to my attention the issue with school performance data.  I also extend my appreciation to the Governor and legislators for correcting a huge inequity for our local school districts where residential treatment centers are located.

When Senate Bill 115 becomes effective on July 1st this year, school systems’ performance data will no longer be affected by the scores from residential treatment centers located in their school district.  Instead these facilities will be more appropriately treated as one school system since the inherit demographics of residential treatment centers are more relatable to one another.  This will also help mitigate any adverse effects of recording the data together.”

Gov. Deal also signed HB 283 and HB 244, carried by Sen. Tippins, implementing recommendations made by the State Education Finance Study Commission and revising teacher evaluation methods. HB 283 becomes effective July 1, 2013, and HB 244 becomes effect July 1, 2014.

For Immediate Release:
May 9, 2013

For Information Contact:
Jennifer Yarber, Interim Director
Kate Greer, Broadcast Specialist