Seabaugh Introduces Common Sense Lawful Carry Act

ATLANTA (Jan. 12, 2010) – Today Majority Whip Sen. Mitch Seabaugh (R-Sharpsburg) filed Georgia’s Common Sense Lawful Carry Act, which amends the current firearms legislation.  Seabaugh cited confusion in the current law and presented how his bill will make the necessary corrections to provide lawfully carrying citizens and law enforcement clear guidelines. Continue reading “Seabaugh Introduces Common Sense Lawful Carry Act”

Sen. Buckner to Ensure Better Access to Ethics Commission Information

ATLANTA (Jan. 11, 2010) – Sen. Gail Buckner (D-Morrow) plans to file legislation to ensure that messages are clearly posted on a legislator’s website when they experience technical difficulties involving the State Ethics Commission website, such as filing campaign disclosure reports.  The bill comes as a result of problems that Buckner personally experienced with filing her reports recently.

Continue reading “Sen. Buckner to Ensure Better Access to Ethics Commission Information”