Sen. Freddie Powell Sims: A Warm Welcome to the 2025 Legislative Session 

By: Sen. Freddie Powell Sims (D – Dawson)

The 2025 Legislative Session is officially underway! On Monday, January 13, the Georgia General Assembly reconvened under the Gold Dome, marking the start of this year’s legislative session and the beginning of a new biennium.

This legislative biennium, I am honored to continue serving on the Senate Committee on Education and Youth as Secretary and on the Senate Committee on Regulated Industries and Utilities as an Ex-Officio. I am similarly honored to serve as a member on the Senate Committees on, Agriculture and Consumer Affairs, Appropriations, Interstate Cooperation, Natural Resources and the Environment, and Urban Affairs.

During our first week of session, Governor Brian  Kemp delivered his annual State of the State address to a joint session of the Senate and House chambers. I look forward to supporting some of his proposals, including pay raises for teachers, state employees, and first responders and efforts to strengthen our healthcare workforce. We must ensure every Georgian has access to affordable healthcare, expand opportunities for quality public education, invest in renewable energy solutions, and tackle the growing need for affordable housing across the state. These priorities are essential for creating a Georgia where every family can thrive.

The past two weeks have been busy at the Capitol. Despite the ice and snow that significantly affected Senate District 12 last week, we still have accomplished a great deal. While “Budget Week” was officially postponed, we have continued to hold crucial joint committee meetings to make up for lost time.

On Tuesday, I recognized the Albany Chamber of Commerce and delegates from Southwest Georgia to the Senate Chamber. The Chamber’s dedication to bolstering the economy and employing numerous Southwest Georgians across District 12 has not gone unnoticed. I commend the Chamber for their work and thank them for making the long drive to spend the day at the Capitol.

I am proud to have co-sponsored several pieces of legislation since the beginning of the Legislative Session, including Senate Bills (SB) 53 and 54. SB 53, sponsored by Sen. Emanuel Jones (D – Decatur), would increase public education on safe firearm storage for citizens. Senate Bill 54, also sponsored by Sen. Emanuel Jones, would establish a state-wide database for schools to use to report safety threats made to schools. Addressing gun violence is vital not only to the well-being of our students but to all Georgians. We must provide all students with the safest possible learning environment. It continues to be my honor and privilege to represent you under the Gold Dome. Your voice matters, and I encourage you to share your ideas and concerns as we work together to build a stronger, fairer Georgia.

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Sen. Freddie Powell Sims represents the 12th Senate District which includes Baker, Calhoun, Clay, Dougherty, Early, Miller, Mitchell, Quitman, Randolph, Stewart, Sumter, Terrell and Webster County. She may be reached at (404) 463-5259 or by email at

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