By Sen. Emanuel Jones and Rep. Roberta Abdul-Salaam
ATLANTA (July 15, 2010) – The future of Metro Atlanta’s economic vitality is on a perilous tipping point. Already this year, Georgia has lost billions of dollars in federal funding for transportation while other states to our north and south received money to grow and strengthen their infrastructure. Clayton County is a crucial part of the Metro Atlanta region and lost its only means of regular mass transit in March. The legislature passed House Bill (HB) 1393, which allows for an immediate funding source to save C-TRAN. The legislature also acted this year to pass HB 277, a transportation funding package that will set this region and Georgia on the right track for stability and economic recovery. HB 1393 is also embedded in HB 277, which paved the way for the Clayton County Commission to restore the C-TRAN public transit service and become a member of the regional transportation authority.