State Senator Judson Hill authors Key Amendment to Protect T-SPLOST Bill

ATLANTA (February 2, 2009) – A leading Georgia State Senator has ensured that any transportation special-purpose local-option sales tax (T-SPLOST) project could not be later nullified by bureaucrats. Georgia State Senator Judson Hill (R-Marietta), a member of the Senate Transportation Committee, successfully introduced an amendment to Senate Bill 39, the T-SPLOST bill, which would ensure the Georgia Regional Transportation Authority (GRTA) will not have any discretion to review or approve transportation projects funded by the T-SPLOST. Senator Hill wants to insure Georgians that should they choose to fund road projects through a T-SPLOST then those projects would be developed. Continue reading “State Senator Judson Hill authors Key Amendment to Protect T-SPLOST Bill”

From the Capitol . . .

By: Sen. Cecil Staton

ATLANTA (January 30, 2009) – Georgia lawmakers hit the ground running after last week’s budget hearing recess. Senate members met for chamber sessions and standing committee meetings every day this week. As chairman of the Senate Science & Technology Committee I held our second meeting Tuesday to discuss the future goals of technology in Georgia. We met with the Technology Association of Georgia (TAG), who spoke to us about their research on Georgia’s standing with respect to technology jobs and related industries. Georgia ranks 10th in the nation with high tech employment rates and TAG studies have shown software and IT services make up the majority of high- tech jobs in our state. Continue reading “From the Capitol . . .”

Joint Commission on Sexual Exploitation of Minors Announces Legislative Recommendations for 2009

ATLANTA, GA (January 29, 2009) — The joint Senate and House Commission on Sexual Exploitation of Minors announced their legislative recommendations for the 2009 General Assembly today during a press conference at the Capitol. Three potential pieces of legislation that have emerged from the study committee are to implement a surcharge on the entrance into an adult entertainment business, changing the age of erotic dancers from a minimum age of 18 to 21 and to require proof of age, and tie enforcement to licensing regulations. Continue reading “Joint Commission on Sexual Exploitation of Minors Announces Legislative Recommendations for 2009”

Sen. Pearson Honors Distinguished Georgia War Veteran in Senate Chamber

Sen. Pearson honors Dr. Joseph Lazzarini at the Senate rostrum, a 20 year war veteran who served the U.S. military in both combat and as a doctor and radiologist.
Sen. Pearson honors Dr. Joseph Lazzarini at the Senate rostrum, a 20 year war veteran who served the U.S. military in both combat and as a doctor and radiologist.

ATLANTA (January 30, 2009) — The State Senate paused today during its daily business to honor an exceptional Georgian who has dedicated his life to serving his country. Sen. Chip Pearson (R-Dawsonville) presented Dr. Joseph Lazzarini with a Senate Resolution officially commending him for his 20 years of military service, in which he served in the Army during World War II, as well as the Navy and the Air Force.

Continue reading “Sen. Pearson Honors Distinguished Georgia War Veteran in Senate Chamber”