Stop Metal Theft Task Force created to Combat Rising Tide of Metal Theft

State Leaders speak out to raise awareness of new local effort to crack down on rampant criminal problem

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EAST POINT (January 27, 2009). – Georgia General Assembly leaders banned together today to crack down on rampant metal thefts around the state and in hopes of calling attention to this nation-wide issue. State Senator Jack Murphy (R-Cumming), chairman of the Senate Public Safety Committee, announced the formation of the Stop Metal Theft Task Force to combat the rising problem of recycled metals being stolen from homes, cars and even graveyards. Continue reading “Stop Metal Theft Task Force created to Combat Rising Tide of Metal Theft”

Bibb County Delegation Elects New Leaders, Adopt Rules at Biennium

ATLANTA (January 26, 2009) – The Macon-Bibb County legislative delegation decided its new leadership structure and elected its new chairman and vice-chairman at this morning’s 2009-2010 Biennium organizational meeting. Outgoing delegation chairman State Senator Cecil Staton (R-Macon) announced that State Representative David Lucas (D-Macon) was elected delegation chairman and Representative Allen Peake (R-Macon) has been elected vice-chairman for 2009, then they will swap roles for 2010. Sen. Staton believes the new leadership structure will help ensure a collaborative effort going forward with the delegation’s current 4-4 party split. Continue reading “Bibb County Delegation Elects New Leaders, Adopt Rules at Biennium”

Sen. Douglas Appointed to Lead NCSL Military Task Force

ATLANTA– (January 26, 2009) State Sen. John Douglas (R-Social Circle) has recently been appointed co-chairman to the newly-formed National Conference of State Legislators (NCSL) Military Sustainability Task Force. The purpose of the new task force is to examine and assist in military-community relations and create policy to improve the health and well-being of veterans.

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