Majority Leader Steve Gooch Applauds the Signing of Republican Priorities into Law

ATLANTA (May 8, 2024) —This week, Senate Republicans celebrated another successful session as their final priorities were signed into law by Governor Brian P. Kemp.

Reflecting on this achievement, Majority Leader Steve Gooch (R–Dahlonega) expressed gratitude, stating, “I’d like to thank Governor Kemp for his unwavering support of these initiatives. Additionally, I want to commend my esteemed Senate colleagues who championed this legislation through the rigorous legislative process. Their dedication and leadership have been instrumental in ensuring the passage of these critical measures.”

The priorities outlined by the Senate Majority Caucus at the onset of the session have now become tangible achievements. With a commitment to delivering results, Senate Republicans have enacted legislation across key areas, including tax relief, tort reform, education, workforce development, and public safety.

Among the notable legislative victories is the acceleration of state income tax reduction, building upon previous efforts to provide $2 billion in tax relief for state income taxpayers and homeowners. Furthermore, significant strides have been made in addressing Georgia’s litigation environment through tort reform initiatives, such as the passage of legislation to limit direct-action lawsuits.

Education reform has also been a focal point, with unanimous support for measures aimed at providing school choice for students in underperforming public schools. In the realm of workforce development, initiatives to improve career pathways for veterans and military spouses seeking employment in Georgia’s healthcare system have been prioritized.

Notably, Senate Republicans have continued their commitment to public safety by reforming limitations on the setting of bail for violent offenders, a crucial step in keeping dangerous criminals off the streets.

In closing, Majority Leader Gooch reiterated the caucus’s dedication to excellence, stating, “These achievements underscore our commitment to ‘finish the drill’ and uphold Georgia’s status as the best place to live, work, and raise a family. We are proud of what we have accomplished together and remain steadfast in our resolve to serve the people of Georgia.”

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Sen. Steve Gooch serves as Senate Majority Leader. He represents the 51st Senate District which includes Dawson, Fannin, Gilmer, Lumpkin, Union and Pickens counties and a portion of White County. He may be reached at 404.656.7872 or via email at

Sen. Steve Gooch Applauds Legislation Establishing an “America First” Specialty License Plate

ATLANTA (Mar. 1, 2024) Majority Leader Steve Gooch (R–Dahlonega) recently celebrated the Senate’s passage of Senate Bill 507, which aims to establish a specialty “America First” license plate.

Leader Gooch expressed his support for the legislation, stating, “This license plate represents the tangible expression of patriotism and putting the needs of our country at the forefront. It provides Georgians with an opportunity to express their national pride, and underscores the importance of emphasizing domestic concerns like economic stability, national security, strong borders, and the protection of the rights of our citizens. I eagerly anticipate traversing the State of Georgia and witnessing fellow Georgians proudly celebrating our nation.”

The “America First” license plate would pay homage to the United States of America, with all proceeds directed toward the state’s general fund.

More information on the legislation can be found here.

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Sen. Steve Gooch serves as Senate Majority Leader. He represents the 51st Senate District which includes Dawson, Fannin, Gilmer, Lumpkin, Union and Pickens counties and a portion of White County. He may be reached at 404.656.7872 or via email at

Senate Passes Resolution to Honor Cherokee Princess Trahlyta in Dahlonega

ATLANTA (Feb. 29, 2024) – Senate Resolution 609, introduced by Senate Majority Leader Steve Gooch (R–Dahlonega), was unanimously passed with bipartisan support on Tuesday in the Senate Chamber. The resolution commemorates the life of Cherokee Princess Trahlyta by dedicating a roundabout at the intersection of State Route 60, State Route 9, and U.S. Highway 19 — known as Stone Pile Gap north of Dahlonega in Lumpkin County.

Traditionally, the intersection has been a site of homage to Princess Trahlyta, where passersby would leave small stones for good fortune and to honor the memory of the Cherokee tribe leader at her grave. With the dedication of the roundabout, the Georgia Department of Transportation is authorized to install and maintain a historical marker commemorating the Circle of Princess Trahlyta at Stone Pile Gap. This resolution addresses a longstanding issue in the area stemming from the removal of the former historical marker originally located there.

“Princess Trahlyta holds significant importance in the history and folklore of North Georgia, Lumpkin County and Dahlonega,” remarked Sen. Gooch. “Her deep affection for the North Georgia Mountains and her compassionate leadership exemplify the cherished qualities of this beautiful region. By marking her grave with the dedication of this traffic circle and historical signage, her memory will endure for generations to come.”

The legend of Princess Trahlyta is a tale kept alive by the descendants of her tribe, who believe that her eternal youth and beauty were bestowed by the magical springs of the mountain, now known as Porter Springs. In her later years, Trahlyta was abducted and held captive by a spurned admirer named Wahsega, who forcibly took her away from her family, her people, and the springs. In her weakened state, far from her homeland, she passed away, but not before expressing her final wish to be returned and laid to rest in the serene mountain forests of her birthplace.

Read more about Senate Resolution 609 here.

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Sen. Steve Gooch serves as Senate Majority Leader. He represents the 51st Senate District which includes Dawson, Fannin, Gilmer, Lumpkin, Union and Pickens counties and a portion of White County. He may be reached at 404.656.7872 or via email at

Majority Leader Steve Gooch Applauds Passage of Senate Resolution to protect the American Border

ATLANTA (Feb. 12, 2024) — Today, Senate Resolution 543, sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Sen. Steve Gooch (R–Dahlonega), was passed on the Senate Floor. SR 543 stands in support of increased protections for America’s borders with the goal to end illegal immigration and smuggling.

The resolution was co-sponsored and supported by colleagues such as Senate President Pro Tempore John F. Kennedy (R–Macon), Sen. Brandon Beach (R-Alpharetta), Sen. Greg Dolezal (R-Cumming), Sen. Jason Anavitarte (R–Dallas) and 24 others.

“This resolution represents a crucial stride in safeguarding both Georgians and our fellow Americans nationwide by bolstering protections across all American borders, particularly our Southern Border,” stated Sen. Gooch. “The members of the Georgia Senate stand united with Governor Brian P. Kemp and Texas Governor Greg Abbott in the battle to uphold our nation’s integrity. I commend the Senate for taking a stand against the pressing issues we currently face, such as the trafficking of dangerous drugs like Fentanyl across our Southern border. Despite the lack of support from President Joe Biden and his federal administration, the Senate remains resolute in its commitment to halt the illegal immigration and smuggling activities that plague our nation.”

SR 543 was passed by the Senate after progressing through the Senate Committee on Rules.

You can find more information on SR 543 here.

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Sen. Steve Gooch serves as Senate Majority Leader. He represents the 51st Senate District which includes Dawson, Fannin, Gilmer, Lumpkin, Union and Pickens counties and a portion of White County. He may be reached at 404.656.7872 or via email at

Georgia Senate Republicans Announce 2024 Caucus Priorities

ATLANTA (Jan. 29, 2024) — Today the Senate Majority Caucus held a press conference at the Georgia State Capitol to announce the Senate Majority Caucus’s priorities for the 2024 Legislative Session. Majority Leader Steve Gooch was joined by Lt. Governor Burt Jones and President Pro Tempore of the Senate John F. Kennedy, as well as members of the Senate Majority Caucus.

“Here we are in 2024, the second year of our two-year session, and we are looking for a big finish.  We have several momentous efforts that, in one form or another, began a year ago, and Senate Republicans are determined to finish the drill,” said Majority Leader Gooch. “Big Ideas, Big Wins, and a Big Finish to this 2023-2024 convening of the Georgia General Assembly – that’s what Senate Republicans are delivering for everyday Georgians. And that’s why Senate Republicans are committed to finishing the drill.” 

“Senate Republicans have an ambitious agenda to tackle what matters to Georgians by addressing kitchen table issues with an aim to keep Georgia the best state to live, work, and raise a family,” said President Pro Tempore Kennedy. “We are committed to delivering on expanding economic opportunity and innovation, cultivating an educated workforce, increasing the safety of our communities and ensuring the well-being of our most vulnerable in 2024.”

The Majority Leader announced that the caucus would focus on building upon the work of the 2023 Legislative Session to improve the fundamentals that make Georgia the best state to live, work, and raise a family. Georgia Senate Republicans are committed to finishing the drill on the following five priorities.


After delivering $2 billion in tax relief for state income taxpayers and homeowners, we are now accelerating the reduction of the state income tax.  Additionally, Senate Republicans are prioritizing SB 349 by Senator Chuck Hufstetler, a statewide floating homestead exemption.


Last year, Senate Republicans tested the waters looking for consensus opportunities to improve Georgia’s troublesome litigation environment.  This year, at a minimum, we will pass legislation to limit direct-action lawsuits carried by Senator Blake Tillery.


Senate Republicans unanimously support Senator Greg Dolezal’s SB 233, which provides

school choice for students trapped in underperforming public schools. SB 233 is the product of

thoughtful discussion and compromise within our caucus and should be passed by the House.


Recently, three Senate study committees addressed deficiencies in our workforce. As a result, our caucus has prioritized improving career and credentialing pathways for veterans and military spouses seeking employment in Georgia’s healthcare system under the leadership of Senator Larry Walker.


In 2023, Senate Republicans led the crackdown on gangs, violent criminals, and rogue prosecutors. In one piece of unfinished business, we will keep more dangerous criminals off the streets by eliminating no-cash bail for violent offenders under the leadership of Senator Randy Robertson.

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Sen. Steve Gooch serves as Senate Majority Leader. He represents the 51st Senate District which includes Dawson, Fannin, Gilmer, Lumpkin, Union and Pickens counties and a portion of White County. He may be reached at 404.656.7872 or via email at