Senator James to Host “People Speak” Town Hall Meeting

WHAT: State Sen. Donzella James (D-College Park) has invited Rep. Roger Bruce (D-Atlanta), Rev. Benjamin Lang and other community activist to participate in the “People Speak” town hall meeting on Thursday, Feb. 4th.  This town hall meeting with give Douglas County residents a chance to discuss topics of interest with their state representatives, and get an update on the current legislative session.

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Budget and Water are Key Issues in the Beginning of the 2010 Legislative Session

By Sen. Lee Hawkins

Sen. Lee Hawkins

ATLANTA (Feb. 1, 2010) – The Georgia General Assembly is in the first few weeks of the 2010 Legislative Session, and we are already working to tackle the big issues we’ll face this year.  Of course, balancing the state budget will be our most important and difficult task, as state revenues continue to decline and the governor has projected a $1.4 billion shortfall for the Fiscal Year 2010 budget.  He’s proposed a $15.5 billion spending plan in state general funds for the remainder of this fiscal year, which ends June 30.  Right now, the FY11 budget stands at $16.8 billion. 

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Public Hearing to Discuss C-TRAN Funding Options

ATLANTA (Feb. 1, 2010) – Sen. Emanuel Jones (D-Decatur) and members of the Georgia Legislative Black Caucus (GLBC) will hold a public hearing to discuss funding options for the C-TRAN public transit system in Clayton County.  All major stakeholders have been invited to join the discussion, including Clayton County commissioners, ITT Technical Institute, Clayton State University, business leaders and labor organizations.      

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Sen. Smith Files Bill to Protect Citizens’ Gun Rights during an Emergency

ATLANTA (Jan. 29, 2010) – State Sen. Preston Smith (R-Rome) filed Senate Bill 342 today to protect legally carrying citizens’ gun rights during a state of emergency.  Currently, state law grants extraordinary powers to a Georgia governor to suspend or limit the sale, dispensing or transportation of firearms during an emergency.  Sen. Smith’s bill would repeal that existing statute to remove a governor’s power to limit gun rights during an emergency.

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South Georgia at the State Capitol

By State Sen. Greg Goggans

In order to get Georgia’s economy back on track, there is a clear and proven solution: JOBS.  Thousands of people around our state are actively looking for work, and our state revenues have taken massive hits over the last year.  These difficult economic times call for bold action to make sure businesses have the resources they need to create long-term jobs and get Georgians back to work again.  This has been my top legislative priority and I am proud to say I’ve joined with Senate and House leaders to announce Georgia is open for business. Continue reading “South Georgia at the State Capitol”