Mullis: True Progress Comes In Putting Georgians First

As we approach the final ten days of session, we continue to pass meaningful legislation that deals with public safety and improving the quality of our state’s transportation system. From honoring and protecting our brave public safety officers to ensuring that Georgia’s roads remain safe for all drivers, I will continue working with my colleagues to pass meaningful legislation that will positively impact the lives of Georgians for years to come.

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Sen. Smith Introduces Educators Salary Protection Act

ATLANTA (March 19, 2010) – Sen. Preston Smith (R-Rome) is championing the cause to protect Georgia teachers from additional furlough days.  He has introduced the Educators Salary Protection Act to prevent school systems with more than 6 percent funding in their reserve accounts from furloughing teachers, when funding is readily available to prevent the furloughs.  The state has exhausted a reserve account of almost $1.8 billion over the last two years.  Most of the reserve funding went to education spending.

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Budget and Economic Development continue to be the Focus in the Senate

By Sen. Chip Pearson

Sen. Chip Pearson

ATLANTA (March 19, 2010) – Based on state revenues, Georgia’s government is 25 percent smaller than it was two and a half years ago.  In order to meet the demands of our state’s growing population, we are finding ways to do more with less.  To that end, the Budget Task Force released their recommendations to the Senate this week on new ways to cut state spending.  The Task Force is comprised of leaders in Georgia businesses who have been on the front lines responding to this economic downturn and understand the real-world value of new efficiencies and consolidation.  They recommended over $3 billion in potential savings, which are focused on long-term, structural changes to state government.  Not all of the 50 options they presented will be feasible, but it’s clear that we must maintain Georgia’s AAA Bond Rating, which is a “good housekeeping” seal of approval on Georgia’s fiscal strength.  

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