Capitol Recap: Reconvening of the 2020 Session

By: Sen. Larry Walker (R – Perry)

As Monday marked the return of the Georgia General Assembly for the remainder of the 2020 legislative session, elected officials have stepped right back into our daily routines of vigorously working around the clock to support the people of Georgia. Albeit, the Gold Dome may look slightly different this time around, compared to March.

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Capitol Recap: COVID-19 and the Budget

By: Sen. Larry Walker (R – Perry)

Although the last few months have undoubtedly brought uncertainty into our state and community, I want to assure you that Georgia remains strong as we begin to take steps to bounce back from the effects of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). With a significant shock to our healthcare systems and industries, we must not forget about the hardworking Georgians that have continuously put their lives on the line every day to selflessly serve those around them. There are no words to depict the amount of appreciation I have for these individuals and I can only hope to honor their work in the weeks to come, as I remain dedicated to best serving the people of District 20. With that, I would like to give you an update on the legislature’s work related to COVID-19 and the budget.

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Capitol Recap: Special Session

By: Sen. Larry Walker (R – Perry)

While the common routines of the General Assembly remain on an indefinite suspension for the time being, our legislative business has not halted and our commitment to representing the great people of Georgia remains at a critical high. As a whole, we are faced with some challenging and unprecedented times. The number of COVID-19 cases has been steadily on the rise and its consequential impact on our state’s healthcare systems has left many patients and facilities anxious and overwhelmed. However, despite the current state of uncertainties, our oath to service has not dwindled. Our faith remains strong and we are able to come together to represent those that need it the most.

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Capitol Recap: Crossover Week

By: Sen. Larry Walker (R – Perry)

Legislative activity and productivity in the Senate has reached an all-time high for the session this week and with the successful completion of Crossover day, we have been able to pass around 60 bills and resolutions that tackle some of the most pressing challenges affecting our state. This signifies a rather meaningful turning point in our legislative process, as my colleagues and I will now focus our efforts on discussing and vetting House bills. As we have done through previous committee work and Chamber voting, I remain confident that the progress we have achieved up to this point will be matched through similar efforts to evaluate House bills. It is our duty to represent the values most important to our constituents. With this, I would like to highlight a few of the bills this week that will impact the people of Georgia.

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Capitol Recap: Week 8

By: Sen. Larry Walker (R – Perry)

Activity in the Senate has been on a steady rise over the past few weeks and this week saw an expansion of that given that the legislation’s Crossover Day deadline is next Thursday. As a result, committees have held longer meetings, filled with extensive public testimony, to ensure we are crafting legislation that most effectively meets the needs of the people of Georgia. We have listened to your concerns, as well as your proposals, and have made good progress this week on bills that address these areas and will help local businesses and communities thrive.   

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