Augusta Senate Delegation Honors Interfaith Coalition at Capitol

ATLANTA (January 26, 2015)  |  Today, three Georgia state senators honored the Augusta Interfaith Coalition, a nonprofit community service organization in the Augusta-Richmond County area. Senator Harold Jones II (D-Augusta), Senator Jesse Stone (R-Waynesboro), and Senator Lester Jackson (D-Savannah), recognized the organization on the floor of the Senate.

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Sen. Jesse Stone Relocates Local Office

ATLANTA (April 1, 2014) The District Office for State Sen. Jesse Stone, who represents Senate District 23, has relocated from 642 Liberty Street to 827 Liberty Street, Waynesboro, GA 30830.

Sen. Stone shares space at that location with the law firm of Merrill and Stone in which he works as managing attorney.

The District telephone number will remain 706-554-5223.  The Atlanta number is 404-463-1314. You may contact Sen. Stone or his staff if you need help with any constituent matters.



Contact:         Jennifer Yarber, Director
Brett Johnson, Broadcast Specialist

Sen. Jesse Stone Recognized by American Conservative Union

ATLANTA (August 19, 2013) – The American Conservative Union recognized Sen. Jesse Stone (R-Waynesboro) for his strong support of bills based on conservative principles during the 2013 legislation session. He was named a recipient of the group’s Conservative Award on August 13 at a reception held at the Georgia World Congress Center. Continue reading “Sen. Jesse Stone Recognized by American Conservative Union”