Sen. Ed Harbison Welcomes Veteran Green Berets Robert Pennington and William Summers

ATLANTA (March 19, 2018) | Senator Ed Harbison (D – Columbus) welcomed veteran Green Berets Robert Pennington and William Summers from the U.S. Army’s 5th Special Forces Group on March 19, 2018, to honor them for their bravery and service with Senate Resolution 1024.

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One-Day Veterans Educational Event for High Schoolers Being Held in Columbus

ATLANTA (November 1, 2017) | Senator Ed Harbison (D — Columbus) recently attended a presentation ceremony for a grant that is being given to the National Infantry Museum in Columbus. AT&T, which is providing the grant that is funding the one-day education program on Nov. 6 between the National Infantry Museum and high school ROTC students, invited Sen. Harbison and Rep. Richard Smith to attend the check presentation as special guests.

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