ATLANTA (October 28, 2024) — On Thursday, October 31,at 11:00 a.m., the Senate Committee on Urban Affairs, chaired by Sen. Donzella James (D–Atlanta), will hold its third meeting of the interim. All members of the public who wish to testify via Zoom about the Sapelo Island gangway collapse must sign up prior to the meeting. You may sign up here.
Continue reading “Sen. Donzella James to Hold Senate Urban Affairs Committee Meeting on Home Owners/Property Owners/Condominium Owners Associations, Sapelo Island Tragedy”Sen. Donzella James Statement on Sapelo Island Dock Incident
ATLANTA (October 24, 2024) — Today, Sen. Donzella James (D–Atlanta) released the following statement regarding the Sapelo Island dock incident that took place on October 19:
Continue reading “Sen. Donzella James Statement on Sapelo Island Dock Incident”Senate Study Committee on Veterans’ Mental Health and Housing to Hold Fourth Meeting
ATLANTA (October 22, 2024) — On Tuesday, October 29,at 10:00 a.m., the Senate Study Committee on Veterans’ Mental Health and Housing, chaired by Sen. Chuck Payne (R–Dalton), will hold its fourth hearing.
Continue reading “Senate Study Committee on Veterans’ Mental Health and Housing to Hold Fourth Meeting”Sen. Donzella James Honored with Pan-African American Leadership Award from African Women in Leadership Organization
ATLANTA (October 21, 2024) — On Saturday, October 19,Sen. Donzella James (D–Atlanta) was honored with the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Recognition Award at the Pan-African American Leadership Awards ceremony. The ceremony, held in Atlanta, recognized the Senator for her decades of service to the people of Georgia.
Continue reading “Sen. Donzella James Honored with Pan-African American Leadership Award from African Women in Leadership Organization”Sen. Chuck Payne to Visit, Read to North Georgia Schoolchildren this Week
ATLANTA (October 7, 2024) — Beginning today, Sen. Chuck Payne (R–Dalton) will visit eight pre-kindergarten (Pre-K) classes across the 54th Senate District as part of his ongoing effort to support early childhood education in Georgia. Sen. Payne will engage with Pre-K and elementary students by reading children’s books, emphasizing the importance of literacy and learning from a young age.
“Early education is where we lay the groundwork for our children’s future success,” said Sen. Payne. “By investing time and resources into our youngest learners, we ensure they are prepared for future opportunities. Our state’s teachers play an integral role in developing Georgia’s youngest minds each and every day. It’s an honor to be able to join teachers and students in the classroom this week.”
Sen. Payne will visit the following Pre-K programs between October 9 and October 13:
- Whitfield-Dalton Day Care Center
- Childcare Network #147
- Belwood Elementary
- Sonoraville Elementary
- Murray County Pre-K Center
- Brighter Tomorrow Child Development Center
- Eastside Elementary
- Gordon Early Childhood Development Center (ECDC)
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Sen. Chuck Payne serves as the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans, Military and Homeland Security. He represents the 54th Senate District, which includes Whitfield and Murray County, as well as part of Gordon County. He may be reached at 404.463.5402 or by email at