Senate Study Committee on People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Waiver Plan Access Approves Final Recommendations

ATLANTA (December 14, 2022) | The Senate Study Committee on People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Waiver Plan Access, co-chaired by Senator Sally Harrell (D – Atlanta) and Senator John Albers (R – Roswell), concluded its work today by approving the Committee’s final report and recommendations for the 2023 Legislative Session and beyond. The recommendations were a direct result of information and testimony gathered from individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, caregivers, service providers, and advocacy groups through a series of public meetings around the state and feedback submitted through from the Committee’s website. The testimony highlighted the significant challenges that adults with disabilities face, including lack of resources for in-home and group care, difficulties navigating the system for IDD services, and inadequate funding for service providers.

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Sen. Jeff Mullis Holds Native American Peace Tree Ceremony at Liberty Plaza

ATLANTA (November 28, 2022) | On November 10, 2022, Sen. Jeff Mullis (R – Chickamauga) held the Native American Peace Tree Ceremony alongside Rep. Matt Hatchett (R – Dublin), Rep. Katie Dempsey (R – Rome) and the Georgia Council on American Indian Concerns at Liberty Plaza at the Georgia State Capitol.

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Statement by the Georgia Legislative Black Caucus On Receiving $6.4M Federal Internet for All Planning Grant

ATLANTA (November 28, 2022) | In response to the Biden-Harris Administration awarding Georgia a $6.4M Internet for All Planning Grant, Georgia Legislative Black Caucus Chairwoman Sen. Tonya Anderson (D – Lithonia) issues the following statement:

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