Majority Leader Mike Dugan Announces Schedule for Senate Study Committee to Revise Education Funding Mechanisms

ATLANTA (July 15, 2022) | Today, Senate Majority Leader Mike Dugan (R – Carrollton) announced the meeting dates and locations for the Senate Study Committee to Revise Education Funding Mechanisms. Sen. Dugan will serve as chair of the six member committee, which will be tasked with reviewing and evaluating the funding mechanisms related to the Quality Basic Education Formula, capital outlay, equalization grants and virtual schools in order to best meet the needs of Georgia’s schools and students.

The committee has also launched a website to serve as a one-stop-shop to house all meeting information including presentations, videos and any other supporting materials. The committee encourages all interested parties to visit the website here to provide any feedback for the committee members to review, compile and consider before recommendations are made in preparation for the 2023 Legislative Session.

In addition, the public is also encouraged to submit testimony to the committee using the following form:

The Senate Study Committee to Revise Education Funding Mechanisms will hold the following meetings:

When: Friday, August 19, 2022 from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 
Where: Georgia State Capitol – Room 450
             206 Washington Street
             Atlanta, GA 30334

When: Friday, September 16, 2022 from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Where: Savannah State University
             3219 College Street
             Savannah, GA 31404

When: Friday, October 21, 2022 from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Where: Columbus State University
             4225 University Ave
             Columbus, GA 31907

Over the next several weeks, the Senate Study Committee to Revise Education Funding will provide additional information on meeting locations. More details will also be available on the Senate meeting schedule here

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Sen. Mike Dugan serves as the Senate Majority Leader. He represents the 30th
Senate District, which includes portions of Carroll, Douglas and Paulding counties.  He can be reached at 404.463.2478 or by email at

State Senator Nan Orrock and Councilmember Michael Bond to Join Forces with Instacart, Hosea Helps, Second Helpings Atlanta, and Maximum Impact Love for a Regional White House Listening Session

ATLANTA (July 13, 2022) | On Thursday, July 14, State Senator Nan Orrock (D – Atlanta), Atlanta City Councilmember Michael Bond and Elisabeth Omilami, Hosea Helps CEO, will join Instacart, the leading online grocery platform in North America, to host a White House Regional Listening Session at 3:00 p.m. at the Hosea Helps headquarters. This forum will feature insights from elected officials, private sector leaders, community stakeholders, and representatives from Hosea Helps, Second Helpings Atlanta, and Maximum Impact Love.

Continue reading “State Senator Nan Orrock and Councilmember Michael Bond to Join Forces with Instacart, Hosea Helps, Second Helpings Atlanta, and Maximum Impact Love for a Regional White House Listening Session”

DUGAN: An Update from the Capitol

By: Sen. Mike Dugan (R – Carrollton)

After the General Election of 2020, there was not a single concern brought to the attention of the legislature more frequently than enacting more serious protections for Georgia’s election security. Your legislators listened to these concerns earnestly and took sensible steps to remedy what were perceived as gaps in Georgia’s election laws. While the Senate and the House brought a number of proposals forward during the 2021 Legislative Session, many were vetted and consolidated into a single legislative measure – Senate Bill 202. The proposals considered to be included into SB 202 were not created in a vacuum or behind closed doors. This bill incorporates ideas brought to us by both parties and serves one singular purpose: to make it easier to vote, but harder to cheat.

Continue reading “DUGAN: An Update from the Capitol”

DUGAN: An Update from the Capitol

By: Sen. Mike Dugan (R – Carrollton)

Earlier this session, my fellow Majority Caucus members and I laid out our vision for a productive legislative session. Our priorities, as you recall, were reflections of the needs and desires of Georgians all across Georgia. They were not targeted at one political ideology or another, one geographic location or another, or those of one socio-economic background or another. These were priorities designed for Georgians, by Georgians to solve very complex Georgia-specific issues. Several of these measures made it across the finish line before our final day of session on April 4, some with bipartisan support. Others, meanwhile, failed to gain the traction necessary to advance this year, but will remain at the top of our list once the legislative session resumes in January.

Continue reading “DUGAN: An Update from the Capitol”