Senate Passes Landmark Legislation on Crossover Day

Sen. Jeff Chapman (R-Brunswick)
Sen. Jeff Chapman (R-Brunswick)

By State Sen. Jeff Chapman

ATLANTA (March 12, 2009) – The General Assembly hurdled over Crossover Day this week having finished 30 of the required 40 legislative days of business. The pace is increasing daily as Senators and Representatives go about working on behalf of Georgians. I am confident we will come together as one legislature to make our decisions in the best interest of the state’s long-term growth and prosperity.

I believe human life is a gift and should be treated as such at every stage. As elected officials we are expected to pass legislation aimed at preserving life not destroying it. Yesterday, the Senate passed the Ethical Treatment of Embryos Act (Senate Bill 169). This landmark legislation clearly states that embryos cannot be used for cloning and experimentation that combines human and non-human gametes. Additionally, the creation of human embryo will be protected and preserved for fertilization or cryopreservation to treat infertility. The bill does not restrict research; rather it prohibits the destruction of human embryos in Georgia. I am pleased I had the opportunity to take a stance with my colleagues in the Senate on an issue that will protect human life.

Over the last decade, property assessments for some residents have nearly doubled. Georgia’s property owners deserve realistic property values, especially during uncertain economic times. The Senate voted in favor of Georgia property owners with the passage Senate Bill 240. If approved by the House, property owners and government would be on a level playing field when it comes to assessing property values. The legislation enables property owners to go directly into arbitration over property assessments rather than going through the regular lengthy government process. Current government processes force property owners to go through local assessment boards and could take two or three months to resolve.

In other news this week, a bill I had the honor of sponsoring (Senate Bill 160) overwhelmingly passed ensuring schools have the opportunity to recognize our veterans for their selflessness and heroism. As vice-chairman of the Senate Veterans, Military and Homeland Security Committee, I feel it is important to honor veterans who have sacrificed their time and lives to protect this great nation. The measure requires public elementary and secondary schools to be closed on Veterans Day in order to properly observe the holiday. Closing schools will allow children to recognize the invaluable contributions veterans have made to the armed forces of the United States.

As always, please remember to contact me in my office on the issues that are affecting you and your area. I am here to represent you and it is an honor for me to work on your behalf.

Sen. Jeff Chapman represents the 3rd Senate District which includes Brantley, Camden, Charlton, Glynn and McIntosh counties. He may be reached by phone at 404.656.0045 or by e-mail at

For Immediate Release:
March 12, 2009
For Information Contact:
Raegan Weber, Director
Ravae Graham, Communications Specialist