A Government Takeover Disguised as Financial Regulatory Reform

Sen. Chip Pearson

By Chip Pearson
ATLANTA (August 13, 2010) – Washington has released its latest assault on American liberty with the president’s recent signature of the massive financial overhaul bill.  Publicized by the White House and political left as a way to prevent another financial crisis, the bill is merely a vehicle for a government takeover of our financial sector.  The rules and regulations contained in the bill’s more than 2,300 pages impose new bureaucratic red tape throughout the financial and banking industries.  The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has coined the term “regulatory tsunami” to describe the burdens it will put on U.S. businesses.  Chamber CEO Tom Donohue has said that the bill creates “over 350 required regulatory rulemakings, 47 studies and 74 reports.”  

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